Groundwater monitoring / groundwater protection

We all need to do our part to protect this vital resource.

95% Of all the freshwater in the world is groundwater (excluding polar ice caps). Surface freshwater (lakes, rivers and dams) only make up 3%. (

The Bravus (Adani) Carmichael Mine has been great publicity to bring the health and sustainability of our limited groundwater reserves to the fore.

If you are worried about the health and productivity of your bores / production wells, we can assist. If you have land leased to others/companies/miners and they are using or interacting with the groundwater, we can assist with initial baseline quality and flow testing and short or long term depth and salinity monitoring.

Only by conducting accurate testing and monitoring can we develop a reliable picture of the health and viability of our groundwater aquifers.

Services offered by Backyard Bores & Geotech Drilling

  • Flow rate testing of existing bores/wells from 0.2 litres per second up to 35L/s, constant rate or stepped test
  • Automated measuring and recording of flow rates in L/s from 10 minutes duration to 72 hours
  • Providing analysis and producing reports from the flow rate data with trends
  • Drilling new monitoring wells in accordance with international industry best practice standards and conforming to Qld government requirements
  • Automated measuring and recording of water depth and salinity / pH for short term (up to 72 hours) and long term (up to 4 years)
  • Alerting and alarms if adjustable limits have been reached (Min and Max: salinity, flow rate, water levels)
  • Centralised data logging from multiple sites with near real-time data transfer

We come from the land, we only have bore water to drink and live off, so we understand your needs and concerns. Trust the locals to put you first. It's your land; you have the choice of who conducts the monitoring / sampling / drilling of water and recording of data from your bores.

Choose Backyard Bores & Geotech Drilling. 1800 193 194

Backyard Bores Pty Ltd

Your water bore and geotech drilling specialists since 2002. Covering the Mackay region from Bowen to Rockhampton and west to Clermont.

We have drilled 6x more groundwater monitoring wells around Mackay than any other drilling company.

Copyright © 2025 Backyard Bores & Geotech Drilling Pty LtdCreated by John Balke