Choose the bore location

Easy to access?

  • Is the location accessible by our light truck? See our FAQ for dimensions.
  • Are there trees, branches or other obstacles (such as fence panels) that need removing in advance?

Please clear up the area surrounding the proposed drilling site. We need about a 2m radius of cleared area.

Call us on 1800 193 194 if there are any obstacles we may need to navigate/remove when we arrive to drill.

Convenient to use?

How easy will it be to distribute the water from the pump outlet? Do you want the pump outlet near the fence so you can run poly around your fence line to have taps every 10m or so?


How easy (and costly) will it be to get power to the pump? You do NOT need to hardwire an external powerpoint right next to the bore/pump/pump shed. They can run off an extension lead from a shed or house indefinitely.

Pump location?

The pump does not need to be directly on top of the bore; it can be on the other side of a fence, under your house, in a shed, etc.

Locate Utilities

Please try to locate the underground services on your property; the hardest one to find is the waste water pipe from your house to the sewer mains.

Call us if you have concerns, and we can apply for the plans from council for a $105 fee.

Sewer mains

House drainage

Town/storm water




Backyard Bores Pty Ltd

Your water bore and geotech drilling specialists since 2002. Covering the Mackay region from Bowen to Rockhampton and west to Clermont.

We have drilled 6x more groundwater monitoring wells around Mackay than any other drilling company.

Copyright © 2025 Backyard Bores & Geotech Drilling Pty LtdCreated by John Balke