Backyard Bores & Geotech Drilling
Your water bore and geotech drilling specialists since 2002. Covering the Mackay region from Bowen to Rockhampton and west to Clermont.
Water Bore Drilling
Our fleet of drilling rigs allows us to drill in your backyard (or front yard) to find water for any purpose. Our small rigs are either mounted on the back of very manoeuvrable light trucks or track-mounted for tight access areas.
Our mid-sized heavy-rigid truck-mounted water bore rigs are very efficient workhorses. Our large track-mounted drilling rigs are capable of 1000m deep holes and irrigation bores up to 450mm in diameter.
Our team has the experience you need, with a combined total of over 120 years as licensed Queensland water bore drillers! Do not trust your property investment to newcomers.
Bore Drilling & Cleaning
If you are looking for water to keep the yard green, top up the pool, or reduce the high cost of town water, we can come and drill for water in your backyard (or front yard), saving you money.
What do you need to prepare before a bore can be drilled or cleaned?
Pump Sales & Repairs
Do you require a new pump (surface, pressure, jet, submersible, solar)?
Do you need a new pressure tank or pressure switch?
Is your pump in need of repairs?
We can help.
Geotechnical Drilling
Environmental, Geotech & soil sampling drilling (NDD, SPT, DCP, Monitoring wells, Geoprobe and push tubes, split spoon, etc).
Click here for a full list of our Geotech drilling products available.
Request a FREE Quote!
We can help you with all your drilling needs. We also supply and repair pumps. Contact us today for an obligation-free quote!
Search for Bores Near You!
Want your own bore but have no idea whether you'll strike water? Try our FREE Bore Search to locate bores near you!